Chromium nicotinate

【Drug name】
Common name: niacin chromium
English name: Chromium nicotinate
【Chemical Formula】 Cr (C6H4NO2) 3
【Molecular weight】 418.33
Smoke gray powder product is small, liquidity is good, room temperature stable, insoluble in water, ethanol, in which the chromium is trivalent chromium.
Content (as Cr (C6H4NO2) 3 dry basis)
≥ 98.5%
Content (as total Cr)
12.24 ~ 12.42%
Heavy metals (Pb)
≤ 0.005%
Arsenic (As)
≤ 0.0005%
Loss on drying
≤ 2.0%
Fineness (through 80um sieve)
≥ 95.0%
】 【Mechanism
Chromium is a glucose tolerance factor (GTF) the important part. It can increase the activity of insulin, involved in protein synthesis and nucleic acids, fat metabolism, reduce body fat content and increase lean meat; chromium can enhance the immune system in animals, improve immunity and adverse environmental and stress conditions resistance; to improve feed conversion, and promote animal growth; raise sows farrowing rate and reduce piglet mortality, improve survival rate of piglets.
Uses】 【role
1, anti-stress: animal in the breeding process will face a lot of stress, such as nutritional stress, environmental stress, immune stress, leading to glycogen degradation and the increasing role of gluconeogenesis, enhanced glucose utilization Chromium can cause organizations to mobilize and ultimately out of the body, while the excretion of trace elements also increased significantly, reducing the efficiency of animal nutrition synthesis, growth performance of livestock and poultry. Organic chromium supplement, it can effectively improve the livestock stress, improve production performance.
2, to improve carcass quality, increased lean meat: Dietary chromium supplementation can increase muscle glycogen storage, increased stress resistance, thereby reducing the black-hard-dry pork (DFD) and white meat (PSE) occurrence rate, red meat, fresh meat to extend the time; in growing and finishing pigs of chromium supplementation, back fat thickness and subcutaneous fat decreased hind legs and hind legs, lean meat percentage increased.
3, to improve milk fat: dairy cow diets in the organic chromium is conducive to the improvement of milk fat percentage, help reduce obstetric disease.
4, to promote animal growth: diet supplement chromium can promote blood glucose fat suppression for rapid growth of livestock and poultry, improving feed rate of return and shorten the breeding cycle.
5, to improve animal immunity: immune response in some special chrome, played the role of immune regulatory factors in order to enhance the body's disease resistance and adaptability, reduce risk of livestock and poultry.
6, to improve the reproductive performance: Chromium dams breeding cycle by regulating the endocrine system, the release of luteinizing hormone, acting on the ovaries, to promote follicle maturation, ovulation, to increase litter size and cub survival.
】 【Safer sex
Oral intake of chromium Most of the feces, the chromium is absorbed mainly excreted in urine, a small amount through sweat, bile, hair loss also lost a small amount of chromium, not in the animal carcass and liver accumulation. Trivalent chromium oral median lethal dose (LD50) is greater than 5000 mg / kg body weight, indicating that the safety of large Cr nicotinic acid, no significant toxic effects on animals.
【Usage】 The product must be mixed with feed components in uniform before use.
Animal species
Recommended dosage (g / t of feed to total chromium nicotinic acid)
Poultry (chickens, ducks and other poultry)
Cattle, sheep
【Storage】 This product should be in a cool, ventilated, dry place sealed.